Abortion and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Are they correlated?

 Do you know, amongst every 1000 women of reproductive age, between 10-20 women suffer from this Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). 

But, what it is?

Let's break it down word by word.

Pelvic: Pelvis is the area below the abdomen. In females, it comprises of the reproductive organs; vagina, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tube and uterus. Since, this post is about abortion and PID, we will be meaning the reproductive tract, mainly. 

So, pelvic here in PID means the pelvic region, the entire region between the hip bones and contains the bladder and rectum and the reproductive tract. 

Inflammatory: Inflammatory refers to inflammation, inflamed area or swelling and redness of the affected organ(s). 


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